PP Number 7 of 2022 has been completed and has been signed by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Joko Widodo. As for PP No. 7 of 2022, it regulates the addition of the Republic of Indonesia's State Equity Participation into the Share Capital of the Company (Persero) PT Danareksa or PP regarding 10 BUMN shares that are included in Danareksa

Amendment to Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 113 of 2021 concerning Amendment to Government Regulation Number 25 of 1976 concerning State Equity Participation of the Republic of Indonesia for the Establishment of a "Mutual Fund" Company. Danareksa is now trusted as Holding

Pada 19 Juni 2019, PT Jalin Pembayaran Nusantara (“Jalin”) dialihkan 67% sahamnya kepada Danareksa. Hal ini memperkuat lini usaha Danareksa Group, yang tidak hanya di Pasar Modal saja, namun juga industri perbankan dan jasa keuangan lainnya.

December 21, 2018. The shares of two subsidiaries of PT Danareksa (Persero), namely PT Danareksa Sekuritas and PT Danareksa Investment Management, amounting to 67% and 35%, respectively, have been transferred to PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk.

PT Danareksa Investment Management obtained an upgrade to ISO 9001:2015, Investment Management Service, SGS. PT. Danareksa Sekuritas obtained an upgrade to ISO 9001: 2015. For “Securities Company Operations, including Brokerage, Investment Banking, Underwriting, Financial Advisory, Fixed Income, Equity, Online Trading, Settlement & Operations”

Forty years of the Danareksa Group. Pioneers and Financial Institutions, securities companies with the most experience in the Indonesian Capital Market industry.

PT Danareksa Investment Management and PT Danareksa Sekuritas obtained ISO 9001:2008 certificates from JASANZ and UKAS, respectively. This certificate, among other things, shows that the two companies in carrying out their operational activities have complied with international rules.

PT Danareksa Investment Management (DIM) introduced the first Asset-Backed Securities (EBA) product in Indonesia, by issuing the Danareksa SMF I - KPR BTN Asset-Backed Securities product. DIM is the Investment Manager who manages the EBA and PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) is appointed as the Custodian Bank, which keeps the securities portfolio.

Change of company logo to reflect transformation into new synergies, between shareholders, employees and customers. This new logo consists of three basic elements that form Danareksa's corporate culture, namely transparent, dynamic and innovative.

PT Danareksa Investment Management issues US Dollar Jasmine Mutual Funds. The issuance of this dollar investment product is to attract people who have dollar savings. This Mutual Fund allocates funds for investment in US Dollar denominated bonds.

Issuance of the first Sharia-based Mutual Fund. In the midst of the monetary crisis that occurred in Indonesia, Danareksa received a Sharia investment management mandate from the Islamic Development Bank headquartered in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia worth USD 75 million with a tenor of three months.

PT Danareksa Investment Management issued the first mutual funds, namely the Danareksa Melati Mutual Fund, the Danareksa Orchid Mutual Fund and the Danareksa Mawar Mutual Fund. These three are the first open-end mutual funds in Indonesia. The launch of this first mutual fund product is to replace the Danareksa Certificate unit trust product.

To support business development, PT Danareksa (Persero) established PT Danareksa Sekuritas, PT Danareksa Investment Management and PT Danareksa Finance.

Issuance of Danareksa General Unit Fund Certificates – Series A. These certificates were issued as many as 1.5 million certificates with a value of Rp. 15 billion, which were supported by shares of several companies owned by Danareksa, which were then separated.

Danareksa's first share issuance was underwritten by PT Semen Cibinong in 1977. This company was the first company to go public.

PT Danareksa (Persero) was established on December 28, 1976 through Presidential Decree number 56 of 1976, concerning the Capital Market. Danareksa's first logo is 8 circles symbolizing currency pieces and the direction of the eight cardinal directions. This logo means that Danareksa seeks potential sources of funds from the Indonesian people and the results are to support Indonesia's development.