Corporate Social Responsibility


In recent years, esG (environment, social and governance) aspects have become an important benchmark in assessing the feasibility of an investment. This makes Corporate social responsibility (Csr) an increasingly important element in the implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG). Danareksa is obliged to participate in sustainable development through Csr activities that are well designed, planned and implemented.

The Company is committed to maintaining harmonious relationships with all stakeholders, among others through the implementation of Csr programs that adhere to the triple bottom-line principle, namely profit, people and planet. The Company always focuses on profit (profit), but not only for profit, but also to support the welfare of society (people) and preserve the natural environment (planet).

The implementation of this PKBL is regulated in the regulation of the state Minister of soes No. Per-05/MBU/04/2021 dated April 8, 2021, regarding Program social and environmental responsibility (TJsL) of soes where the Partnership Program was changed to the Micro and small Business Funding Program and there are no more Community Development activities.

Corporate Social Responsibility in the Community sector

Corporate Social Responsibility towards Consumers

Corporate Social Responsibility towards Consumers

Partnership Program

Partnership Program

Corporate Social Responsibility towards Society

Corporate Social Responsibility towards Society

Corporate Social Responsibility Towards Occupational Health, Safety and Security (K3)

Corporate Social Responsibility Towards Occupational Health, Safety and Security (K3)