Commitment to Ethical Standards

The Board of Directors of PT Danareksa (Persero) has established management policies related to ethics that regulate the relationship between the Company and related parties (stakeholders) to maintain the company's reputation and integrity. This ethical standard also reflects the determination of PT Danareksa (Persero) and all its subsidiaries in implementing Good Corporate Governance (GCG) practices in a sustainable and consistent manner. 
In connection with the establishment of these Ethical Standards, PT Danareksa (Persero) and its subsidiaries realize that the receipt and provision of gifts, entertainment or assistance in work, can cause conflicts of interest and a decrease in public trust in the integrity of the company. Therefore, it is notified to all parties interested in PT Danareksa (Persero) and its subsidiaries, including partners, suppliers, consultants, customers or third parties outside the company that PT Danareksa (Persero) and its subsidiaries do not tolerate the provision of prize money, goods, commissions, credits, gifts, entertainment, valuables or any form of special gifts to company employees and urge all unreasonable payments requested by the party internally PT Danareksa (Persero) and its subsidiaries reported to the e-mail 
In order to uphold the principles of Good Corporate Governance and Good of Conduct, the Board of Commissioners, The Board of Directors and all employees of PT Danareksa (Persero) and its subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to as "the Company's personnel") are committed not to receive gifts and gifts in any form either directly or indirectly from customers and partners of the Company or other third parties. 
In this regard, we are very grateful if customers, partners and other third parties support the fulfillment of this commitment, by not giving gifts and gifts in any form either directly or indirectly to the Company's personnel including families up to the second degree both vertically and horizontally. 
If there are personnel of the Company who ask for gifts on behalf of personal or corporate to customers, work partners and other third parties please report to the Company, via email: We really appreciate the cooperation of customers and work partners and other third parties to support this commitment. 

PT Danareksa (Persero) Management