Armed with a long experience as a financial advisor, Danareksa transforms as a holding of cross -sector SOE managers

07 February 2022


Jakarta, February 7, 2022, PT Danareksa (Persero) ("Danareksa") welcomed 10 SOEs across sectors as members of the Danareksa holding after being officially appointed and trusted by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo and the Ministry of State -Owned Enterprises (KUMN) to become shareholders Of the 10 SOEs. This step is carried out as part of the government`s efforts to strengthen the capital structure and increase the business capacity of Danareksa and increase the business scale of the Danareksa Holding Company to make a positive contribution to Indonesia. Main Director of PT Danareksa (Persero), Arisudono Soerono said, "The formation of Danareksa Holding is aimed at Developing the business of holding members through value creation by transforming business models, transformation of business processes, and improving the quality of human resources. For example, making the BUMN industrial area a modern, Smart and Green Industrial Estate, Balai Pustaka`s Business Change to IP-based Licensing Digital Company, PPA is a pillar of BUMN restructuring and National Asset Management Company, and so on business transformation for other Holding members "Appointment Danareksa as the shareholder of the Phase 1 cross -sector BUMN is listed in Government Regulation (PP) No. 7 of 2022 concerning the addition of the Republic of Indonesia State Capital Participation into the Company`s share capital of the Company (Persero) of PT Danareksa. The addition of the PMN into Danareksa`s share capital came from the transfer of all government shares in 10 BUMN members of Danareksa Holding. As for the transfer of all these shares from, PT Nindya Karya, PT Klingan Berkangi Indonesia, PT Kawasan Industri Medan, PT Kawasan Industri Wijayakusuma, PT Kawasan Makassar Industri, PT Kawa Berikat Nusantara, PT Balai Pustaka, PT Asset Management Company, PT Jakarta Industrial Estate Pulogadung and PT Surabaya Industrial Estate Rungkut. "Danareksa is a financial service company that has more than 45 years experience and has been known both nationally and internationally , in investment banking, capital market, financial advisory, and underwriter. Danareksa has also accompanied the government and multicectoral BUMN to realize various national strategic projects. Based on this experience, we are optimistic that we can become a holding company that is beneficial to holding members and contributes positively to improving the Indonesian economy, "Ari.Holding Danareksa added, committed to creating added value by increasing synergy through collaboration in value chain and product/service offering, increasing bargaining Position, sharing capabilities & collaboration. In addition, Holding will transform through strengthening & alignment of strategies, business direction and governance; Optimizing business models, and business processes (main business processes and supporters). "Currently the process of forming the first stage of Holding Danareksa has entered the final process with the issuance of PP No. 7/2022, with the predictions of the second stage will begin to be carried out in 2022. The whole integration process can run according to plan and can increase effectiveness, efficiency, and added value for the country as soon as possible, "concluded Ari. As for stage 2, there are several SOEs with various sectors that are also planned to join as members of Holding Danareksa.