Bank Indonesia Lowered Banks Reserve Requirement Ratios

03 March 2020


Bank Indonesia Lowered Banks Reserve Requirement Ratios, Seeking to Shore Up Liquidity After concerns over the Economic Impact of Coronavirus Triggered a Selloff in the Nation`s Stocks, Bonds, and Currency. The Foreign-EXCHANGE Reserve Reserve Requirement Ratio for Banks will be cut to 4%, from 8% Previously, Bank Indonesia Governor Perry Warjiyo Told Reporters Monday. The Cut, which is expected to add $ 3.2 billion in additional liquidity, is effective from March 16, He Said. Reserve Requirement Ratios for Banks Engaged in Trade Financing will be lowering by 50 basis points from April 1, for a period of nine months, Warjiyo Said. The move is aimed at lowering costs for banks engaged in imports and exports. (Bloomberg) The 10-Year Indonesia Credit Default Swap Fell 13 bps to 169 bps on 2 march 2020. Previous, the 10yr-CDS climbed to 181bps on 28 February 2020 amid concerns over the impact of Coronavirus to the Global Economy. The 5-Year Indonesia CDS Also Fell to 92 Bps From 101 bps at the end of last week. Last Month, The 5YR CDS Recorded the Lowest Level of 58bps on 19 Feb 2020. Source: Danareksa Securities Debt Research