Beware of fraud on behalf of PT Danareksa Investment Management

16 February 2021


Some time this was circulating a fraud in the name of the Investment Director of PT Danareksa (Persero), Andry Setiawan, by sending messages through an online chat application and opening a fake website that invites investment through one of our subsidiaries, PT Danareksa Investment Management (DIM). , we need to say that: Beware of all types of fraud under the guise of bulging investment, business capital loans, or prizes in the name of Danareksa and Dim and those who use attributes related to or similar to Danareksa and Dim. Danareksa and Dim do not have an official site, social media and other platforms other than those mentioned above. Danareksa and Dim are not responsible for losses due to fraud in the name of Danareksa and Dim. Please be careful in receiving information that is not issued by official social media sites/accounts from Danareksa and Dim. For more information, contact Danareksa Customer Service via or Dim through Thus this notification letter was conveyed so that the public avoids various modes of fraud.