Canada Cut Yield on Its 10-Year Notes Down to An All-Time Low of 0.86%

05 March 2020


Coronavirus Fear Gripped Bond Markets Around the Globe, Sending Yields to Record Lows from Toronto to London and Sydney a Day After U.S. Treasuries reached the unpredent territory. The bank of canada joined the federal reserve with its own half-point cut on wednesday, driving the yield on canadian 10-year notes down to an all-time low of 0.86%. U.K. Rates dropped as traders bet the bank of england will also ease this month. Yields for short-term debt in Australia and South Korea Dropped Almost 10 Basis Points as Markets Priced in more central-bank reductions. Markets were responding to a volatile mix of anxiety over the virus and a rush for higher returns after yields on the 10-year u.s. Treasury, a benchmark for lending globally, Got Below 1% for the First Time Ever on Tuesday. (Bloomberg) the yield on the benchmark 10-year treasury note, sanank more than 11 base points to an all-time low of 0.906% on tunesday in the wake of an emergency rate cut by the federal reserve to combat the economic effects of the Covid-19 Outbreak. It was the first time the 10-Year Treasury Yield Ever Broke below 1%. (CNBC) Source: Danareksa Securities Debt Research Photo by Ezra Jeffrey-Comeau on Unssplash