China’s Central Bank Ensure already liquidity during the special period of virus control

04 February 2020


China’s Central Bank Took its first concrete steps to cushion the economy and plunging markets from the blows of a spreading new virus, providing short-term funding to banks and cutting the interest rate it charges for the money. The People`s Bank of China added a net 150 billion yuan ($ 21.4 billion) of funds on Monday using 7-day and 14-day reverse repurchase agreements. The rate for both was cut by 10 basis points, driving down the cost of the money to "ensure already liquidity during the special period of virus control," it said in a statement. (Bloomberg) Indonesia`s Statistics Office Release Inflation Data in Jakarta. January Consumer Price Rise 0.39% M/M; EST. +0.46%. Price of foodstuff and tobacco rose on a monthly basis, rising 1.62%, accounting for 0.41% of Monthly CPI. Price of Personal Care and Other Services Increased as well as +0.46%. Price of Transportation Fell by 0.89% as airfares declined due to the end of the holiday season in December. January Core Consumer Prices Rise 2.88% Y/Y; EST. +3.00%. (Bloomberg) Treasury Yields rose for the first time in four sessions on Monday as strong--al-expected manufacturing data boosted investor sentiment. The Yield on the Benchmark 10-Year Treasury Note, Jumped 5 Base Points to 1.554%, While The Yield On The 30-Year Treasury Bond Was Also Higher At Around 2,041%. The 10-Year Yield has fallen about 30 basis points in the past two weeks. (CNBC) Source: Danareksa Securities Debt Research Photo by JJ Ying On Unssplash