Consistent Supports UMK Development, Danareksa Winning Best Tjsl 2021 in TJSL Award 2021

27 September 2021


Consistent Supporting the development of UMK, Danareksa won the Best TJSL 2021 in the TJSL Award 2021 Jakarta, September 27, 2021 - PT Danareksa ("Danareksa") again won an award for its commitment in carrying out the Social and Environmental Responsibility Program (TJSL). This time, Danareksa was named "Best TJSL 2021 with outstanding partner`s capacity and capabilities Development Program" in the Telecommunication and Media Services category organized by Warta (UMK) Malang City and its surroundings as well as its cooperation with LPPM Brawijaya which has been carried out consistently for more than ten years. TJSL Danareksa Program with LPPM Universitas Brawijaya, until 2021 has supported more than 1,500 UMK in the area of ​​Malang and surrounding areas by providing training financial management for these UMKs. In the future, Danareksa will continue to provide opportunities for partners who need support to be able to run the business. PT Danareksa (Persero) Porporate Secretary, Putu Dewika Angganingrum said, "This award is increasingly motivating us to continue to contribute in supporting UMK through programs through programs Our partnership, especially in the current Pandemi Covid-19th situation where we need to jointly give special attention to the affected people. Although Pandemi still hit, we will remain consistent in providing assistance to the UMK. The TJSL program, in addition to supporting UMK, Danareksa focuses on supporting persons with disabilities who are affected by Pandemic through the provision of special assistance for people with disabilities in the form of deaf masks, up to scholarship assistance for persons with disabilities. Danareksa also cooperated with the National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) in the context of the implementation of the Stop Defecation Program (SBS) and the sink for everything that was being implemented in the Bogor and surrounding areas. "This award is a proof that the Danareksa TJSL program has an impact Effective social and we hope this activity can be continued better in the future and continue to provide positive benefits for the community, "concluded Dewika.