Danareksa celebrates the 45th Anniversary as the momentum of transformation to become the new Danareksa

28 December 2021


Jakarta, December 29, 2021 - PT Danareksa (Persero) ("Danareksa") celebrated his birthday which fell on December 28, 2021. In this 45th celebration series, Danareksa was appointed and trusted to be a holding of several SOEs in the fields of financial services, industrial estates, water resources, construction services and construction consultations, manufacturing, media and technology, as well as transportation and logistics emphasize their commitment to Persons with disabilities, especially in the absorption of human resources in the Hoding Danareksa environment. On the same occasion, Danareksa also inaugurated Srikandi Danareksa as a forum that encouraged women to continue to work and achieve achievements. Director of PT Danareksa (Persero), Arisudono Soerono said, "At the age of 45, Danareksa was given confidence by shareholders, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of SOEs to become a parent company to help holding members, and subsidiaries, to achieve potential Growth possessed by us together. In line with this, our commitment to disability and women we hope not only occur in Danareksa, but also expected to be carried out together and synergize with other Danareksa Holding members. " Furthermore, the confirmation of commitment for persons with disabilities is carried out symbolically by signing the Danareksa Anniversary Uniform conducted by the Director of Human Resources and Law of PT Danareksa (Persero), R. Muhammad Irwan and Banten Gerkartin DPP Trustees, Yohana Runturambi. The affirmation of this commitment is a continuation of the commitment of the Ministry of SOEs and in increasing access to the fulfillment of the rights of disabled workers in the SOE environment. On the sidelines of the event, Director of Human Resources & Law of PT Danareksa (Persero), R. Muhammad Irwan said, "We at Danareksa realize that the potential of persons with disabilities is also not inferior to most other people, even many who incised achievements. However, indeed the work competition faced is more challenging. " "It has become our joint duty and responsibility in providing the same access and opportunity for friends with disabilities to work, especially in the Danareksa Holding Ecosystem. In the future, we hope to complement the various facilities and access needed by them, "added Irwan. In addition to strengthening commitment as a disability friend, on the same occasion Danareksa also encouraged the realization of gender equality at Danareksa Holding by inaugurating the launch of the Srikandi Danareksa community. This is also a Danareksa attempt to support women in working and achieving in SOEs. Corporate Secretary of PT Danareksa (Persero) who is also the Chairperson of Srikandi Danareksa, Putu Dewika Angganingrum, said that women have the same opportunity at work and career. However, indeed the view of women can not be separated from domestic matters that have an impact on differences in career opportunities. "For this reason, Srikandi Danareksa can be a forum for women to support each other, develop capabilities, and maintain their balance until finally we can be trusted to become leaders in the company." The formation of the Danareksa Srikandi community also confirms Danareksa`s commitment to facilitate the same opportunity to work and Career in SOEs and supports the Ministry of SOE`s program which targets an increase in the number of women by 15% at the level of BUMN directors. "My appreciation for the role of women who must carry out various roles, namely as a wife, mother, and worker. Through this Danareksa Srikandi community, I hope to be able to encourage the enthusiasm and role of women in working, making human resources superior and independent until they are at the level of company leaders, "added Irwan.