Danareksa Dri’s Pulse Check - The Employment Sector amid Economic Recovery

22 February 2022


Danareksa Research Institute (DRI) again released its latest research through Dri’s Pulse Check February 2022 edition entitled "The Employment Sector Amid Economic Recovery". Pandemi Covid-19 that occurred in Indonesia since 2020 has a major impact on the employment sector. At present, the employment sector has begun to recover supported by the Indonesian economy which has grown since the beginning of 2021. However, the work sector has not been able to return to the level before Pandemi in line with the recovery of the slow real sector. Based on a survey conducted by DRI, during Pandemi, the people affected by the termination of work relations are mostly men, while the people who close the business are mostly women. It takes more than 6 months to get a new job or open a business. Various government stimuli have been prepared since the beginning of Pandemi to encourage the recovery and capacity building of the employment sector. However, the stimulus is still limited to certain groups. Stimulus in the future can be directed at the opening of a more inclusive employment. However, the harmonization of policies between stakeholders is still needed to create a sustainable labor sector recovery. To get the full research, please download the attached document or click the following link: Danareksa Dri`s Pulse Check - Sector Employment in the midst of economic recovery

Danareksa DRI’s Pulse Check – Sektor Ketenagakerjaan Di Tengah Pemulihan Ekonomi