Danareksa Dri’s Pulse Check - Household Consumption Reflection

17 December 2021


Danareksa Research Institute (DRI) again released its latest research through Dri`s Pulse Check December 2021 edition entitled "Reflection of Two Years of Household Consumption During Pandemi and Projection in 2022". Pandemi Covid-19 and Rules for Limiting Activities have an impact on the employment sector with the level of unemployment and Increased informal workers. This triggers a decrease in income and household consumption so that people change their consumption patterns. The government and related institutions have not been able to increase consumption significantly. Going forward, stimulus in the consumption sector needs to be directed to further increase public consumption. In addition, stimulus in the productive sector must also encourage the green economy so that it can create development in this research, Dri also put forward the projection of economic growth in 2022. Economic growth is expected to continue supported by improvement of public consumption, especially food consumption, clothing, and transportation. On the other hand, export performance is expected to slow down in line with a decrease in commodity prices. Economic growth in 2022 will depend on the control of the Covid-19 daily cases, the distribution of even more effective vaccines, and more effective stimulus. To get the full research, please click the link below: Dri Pulse Check-Reflection of RT Consumption

DRI Pulse Check – Refleksi Konsumsi RT