Danareksa Dri’s Pulse Check-Ownership of Health Insurance by the Community During Pandemi Covid-19

12 October 2021


Danareksa Research Institute (DRI) again released the monthly research of Dri’s Pulse Check with the title "Ownership of Health Insurance by the Community During Pandemi Covid-19". The average life insurance premium revenue increased in 2021 to Rp 15.1 trillion/month after it dropped to Rp 14.3 trillion/month in 2020. The survey carried out by DRI also showed that some people had health insurance, especially health insurance from government. In the financial sector, some of the largest sectors of banking credit such as consumption, manufacturing trade, and agriculture have also continued positive growth. However, the manufacturing sector is still experiencing a decline, including due to domestic and global demand that has not yet recovered and business actors are still waiting and seeing in applying for new credit. For more details, please download the documents below: Danareksa Dri`s Pulse Check-Ownership of Health Insurance by the Community During Pandemi Covid-19

Danareksa DRI’s Pulse Check – Kepemilikan Asuransi Kesehatan oleh Masyarakat selama Pandemi Covid-19