Danareksa Dri’s Pulse Check - Patterns of Community Investment During Pandemi

12 July 2021


Danareksa Research Institute (DRI) again released its latest research through Dri’s Pulse Check July edition entitled "Patterns of Community Investment During Pandemi". In the middle of declining income, some people consistently set aside their income to invest even with declining frequency and nominal. Some people with income that have not increased during Pandemi began investment since 2020, with the hope of being an alternative income for funds. Most investments owned by the public are deposits, gold, and property but with investor trends that tend to decline. On the other hand, mutual funds and cryptocurrency are 2 investment instruments with the highest increase in investors. The interview is also interview with Mr. Luky Alfirman, Director General of Financing & Risk Management of the Ministry of Finance who discusses "Resilience of State Securities During Pandemi". To get complete research , please download the attached document or click the following link: http: //www.danareksa.co.id/danareksa-dris-pulse-chse-pola-invest-intrain-sahangan-lama-pandemi-juli-2021/