Danareksa Dri’s Pulse Check - Sentiments Recovery of the Business World

19 January 2022


The Danareksa Research Institute (DRI) again released its latest research through Dri’s Pulse Check January 2022 entitled "Sentiments Recovery of the Business World". Recovery of weak community consumption throughout 2021 has an impact on the recovery of a weak business sector. The tendency of employers to expand weak business. On the other hand, banks are also still holding back credit distribution amid high potential risk. Various global issues such as the potential for increasing interest rates also overshadow the business world that can hamper the recovery of the business world. Harmonization of policies between stakeholders is needed to create sustainable growth. To get the full research, please download the attached document or click the link attached Recovery of the business world

Unduh Danareksa DRI’s Pulse Check – Sentimen Pemulihan Dunia Usaha