Danareksa-PPA cluster BUMN is present to light the burden of persons with disabilities and health workers in the Pandemic period

09 August 2021


JAKARTA (30/7)-In the midst of the epidemic Pandemi Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) which still hit today, health workers have become the front guard who handles patients affected by Covid-19 in the field. According to data from the Covid-19 Task Force, from the beginning of Pandemi to the implementation of PPKM Level 4 at this time positive case data has touched the figure of around 3.24 million in life so that the role of health workers as the front guard becomes very important. The Danareksa-PPA cluster is as a forum for a plate company company Red, which is engaged in various fields, collaborates together to channel assistance for health workers who are struggling to deal with COVID-19 patients and also for persons with disabilities who are affected by Pandemic in various regions. This BUMN cluster, channeling assistance in the form of infresh mineral water which is a BUMN product of 100,000 bottles and 710 food packages consisting of deaf masks, 5 kg rice, 1 L cooking oil, 5 pcs instant noodles, sugar, sardines, egg noodles for people Disability. On Friday (30/7) the assistance was handed over directly by representatives from the Danareksa-PPA cluster BUMN represented by Trisuci Septalia Dewi as the manager of Corporate Social Responsibility of PT Danareksa (Persero) and was received directly by Major Kes Hadi Wahono as Deputy Coordinator of the House Vaccine Emergency pain (RSD) of Kemayoran Athlete Wisma in the form of infrect BUMN product mineral water assistance while the food assistance package for persons with disabilities is ultimated by Nicky Clara, the manager of this enterprise which will be distributed in 7 cities namely DKI Jakarta, Malang, Semarang, Medan, Makassar, and Bali . Distribution of assistance for persons with disabilities this time Danareksa cooperates with Thisable Enterprise, a foundation that has been specifically focused on empowering persons with disabilities. Assistant Deputy of TJSL of the Ministry of SOE From the Danareksa-PPA cluster, this is a very good initiative especially in conditions as it is today so that this needs to be encouraged to be done in a measurable manner so that it can be utilized properly and sustainably and this activity has been in line with the implementation of SDGs 1 without poverty, SDGs 2 without starvation and hunger and hunger Also SDGs 3 Healthy and Prosperous Life which is the goal of TJSL activities in the SOE environment. "We appreciate the BUMN-BUMN that are members of the Danareksa-PPA cluster for this initiative step, where assistance for health workers is very much needed moreover I is struggling to deal with patients affected by Covid-19 and also of course this assistance is also needed for our brothers and sisters with disabilities affected by this Pandemic. This is certainly in line with the directions of the Minister of SOEs so that SOEs can continue to help the handling of COVID-19 with various programs that are measured and can be utilized properly and sustainably, "said Agus Suharyono. On that occasion, Major Kes Hadi Wahono as Deputy Coordinator of the Hospital Vaccine Emergency (RSD) Wisma Athlete Kemayoran said that his party was very grateful for the support of various parties, especially SOEs who had never been absent in providing support and assistance for health workers in the field. "We are very grateful, for the assistance of SOEs who always support us and colleagues Fellow health workers who are struggling in the field. Assistance from the Danareksa-PPA cluster BUMN is very beneficial for us and patients here, "said Hadi Wahono. Corporate Secretary of PT Danareksa (Persero), Putu Dewika said that assistance to people with disabilities, where one of them is also a special mask for people with disabilities, is expected to help persons with disabilities communicate by promoting health protocols, food packages that are distributed to reduce the burden of disabilities, although it cannot be channeled for all provinces in Indonesia, but it is hoped that this will be the beginning for Danareksa to be able to contribute to alleviating the burden of persons with disabilities in this Pandemic era in some regions. As information, BUMN members of the Danareksa-PPA cluster who collaborated to this aid program involved at least around 19 state-owned companies namely: PT Danareksa (Persero), PT PPA (Persero), PT Indra Karya (Persero), PT Yodyya Karya (Persero), PT Kleiring Berjangka In Donesia (Persero), Perum PNRI, PT Surabaya Industrial Estate Surabaya (Persero), Perum Jasa Tirta I, PT Bina Karya (Persero), PT Nindya Karya (Persero), PT Jakarta Industrial Estate Pulogadung, PT Virama Karya (Persero), PT Balai Pustaka (Persero) and PT Kawasan Industri Wijayakusuma (Persero), as well as a subsidiary of PT Danareksa (Persero) namely: PT Danareksa Investment Management, PT Danareksa Finance, PT Jalin Payment Nusantara, PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas and PT Danareksa Capital.