Debt Research: U.S. and China were expected to sit down in Washington

10 October 2019


Senior trade negotiators for the u.s. and China were expected to sit down in Washington Thursday and Friday, but their talks may be cut down to one day and they are not expected to make much headway. The hope was that the talks would be least results in a postponment of new tariffs, set to take effect next week. Region, the defense ministry said. The Move Comes After President Donald Trump Ordered U.S. Forces to stand acide, in a dramatic reversal of policy. The Turkish Military Carried Out the Incursion Together with Allied Syrian Rebels in an Effort to Seize Areas to the South of the Frontier Towns; Armored Vehicles and Tanks Crosted into Syria After F-16s and Artillery Units Targeted Positions of Kurdish YPG Militants Earlier Wednesday. Turkey has been fighting the version of the Kurdish People`s Protection Units, or YPG, for 35 years. The Renewed Conflict has sparked concerns that chaos in syria could lead to a jihadist resurgence. (Bloomberg) Debt Research, PT Danareksa Sekuritas