Debt Research: a Wave of Nationalism Sweeping the Chinese Mainland could be bad news for western brands

24 October 2019


A Wave of Nationalism Sweeping The Chinese Mainland Could Be Bad News for Western Brands. A Yearlong Trade War has stoked a surge in Chinese Nationalism and Anti-American Sentiment that Increasingly Bleeding into Marketing Decisions and Consumer Buying Habits. Companies such as Apple Have Seen Market Share in the Country Dwindle, While American Brands have rushed to issue public apologies after some of their products Ran Afoul of Beijing`s Political Sensitivities. (Bloomberg) The European Union Left Boris Johnson Hanging on Wednesday Night as Officials in Brussels Debated Whether to grant Him A Third Extension to the Brexit Process. Eu Ambassadors Meeting in the Belgian Capital Agreed that they should accept the British Prime Minister`s Request for More Time, but Couldn`t Settle on how long he will get. The French are Pushing for a Tight Deadline of Nov. 15 while many other countries want to give the u.k. The three months it has been asked for. (Bloomberg) President Donald Trump Said He is Lifting Recently Imposed Sanctions Against Turkey After the Country Complied with a Cease-Fire Agreement with Kurdish Forces in Syria. The U.S. Originally Imposed Sanctions on Turkey on Oct. 14, including Penalties Against Three Government Ministers. Now, Trump`s Decision on Sances-and the assertion that his approach to turkey was a success-is likely to reignite the bipartisan criticism that came to a head after the administration`s decision to withdraw for the northern syria By Turkey. (Bloomberg) Photo by Zachary Keimig On Unssplash