Dri’s Pulse Check - Sentiments on price increases and consumption of the public during Ramadan and Eid al -Fitr

18 May 2022


Danareksa Research Institute (DRI) again released the monthly research of Dri’s Pulse Check with the title "Sentiments Increasing Prices and Consumption of Public During Ramadan and Eid al -Fitr". In the midst of economic recovery, community consumption grows limited due to household income conditions that have not yet fully recovered. Meanwhile, public consumption of Ramadan and Eid al -Fitr 2022 is also still relatively the same compared to the previous year. DRI also stated that in April 2022, inflation was recorded quite high which was driven by increased consumption during Ramadan, the increase in Pertamax prices, and the increase in VAT. The majority of the community estimates that inflation will continue to increase in the next 6 months. Inflation is considered to be an important issue by the community because it will impact on the increase in prices of basic needs that have the potential to worsen the economic conditions in the regions. Also a number of domestic macroeconomic indicators in the future and global issues, such as rising interest rates that are currently affecting financial market performance, lockdown city -big city in China and weakening the Yen exchange rate. For full research, please download it by clicking the following link: Dri Pulse Check - Sentiments for Public Prices and Consumption Increases

DRI Pulse Check – Sentimen Kenaikan Harga dan Konsumsi Masyarakat