DRI's Pulse Check – Inflation and Public Consumption

22 June 2022


Danareksa Research Institute (DRI) re-released the monthly research DRI's Pulse Check with the title "Inflation and Public Consumption". The impact of rising prices began to be felt by the public, which triggered an adjustment in consumption patterns. However, it is limited to secondary and tertiary needs.

DRI also stated that the increase in non-subsidized fuel has not had a significant impact on rising prices. In addition, most users of non-subsidized fuel do not switch to other products. For people who have businesses, the increase in fuel costs makes them have to look for alternative energy sources. On the other hand, the increase in VAT from 10% to 11% has no impact on people's spending plans on daily needs. This increase only affects plans to purchase durable goods.

Also check out some information related to domestic macroeconomic indicators and global issues, such as global interest rates and the weakening of the Yen exchange rate.


DRI's Pulse Check – Inflation and Public Consumption