Ep 26: Indonesia`s Vision 2045. Interview with Channel News Asia

25 October 2019


Danareksa Research Institute Chief Economist, Moekti Prasetiani Soejachmoen, PhD was interviewed by Channel News Asia recently, in connection with the re -election of President Jokowi, with the target of making Indonesia as a country with the big 5 economy in 2045. The following excerpts of the interview, which Channel News Asia. President Jokowi Entered His Second and Last Term in Office with Making Indonesia the World`s Fourtst Economy by 2045. But with the continuing us-china trade war, global detectoring outlook, Growing Trade Deficits, Rising Conservats and a. Widening Rift in the Indonesian Society, is he still on track to achieve his vision Indonesia 2045? Read more here or at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/video-on-demand/insight-fy1920/indonesia- -Vision-2045-12032542 Source: Channelnewsasia.com