The European Central Bank Launched an Extra Emergency Bond-Buying Program

19 March 2020


The Senate Cleared These Cond Major Bill Responding to the Coronavirus Pandemic, with Lawmakers Rushing to follow up with an additional economic rescue package that President Donald Trillion Administration Estimates will cost $ 1.3 Trillion. (Bloomberg) The European Central Bank Launched an Extra Emergency Bond-Buying Worth 750 Billion Euros Program ($ 820Billion) in the latest Attempt to Calm Markets and Protect a Euro-Area Economy Struggling to Cope with the Coronavirus Epidemic. (Bloomberg) The Swift Hit to the U.S. Economy from Efforts to stop the spread of the coronavirus has created a crunch in credit markets. Companies have rushed to raise cash by drawing down credit lines and other borrowings. The Ripple Effect has been a Whammy to Credit Markets, Sending Many Spreads Wider Across the markets and even stalling out the commercial paper market, where the highest rated compans go for cash. The Fed on Tuesday Said it would provide help to compans getting short-term funding. (CNBC) Fitch has revised the sector and rating outlook for its portfolio of U.S. banks to negative from stable. The revision on 18 March 2020 is due to concerns over the impact of the Coronavirus, which continues to spread globally. Over the near term, flash expects that u.s. Banks Will Face Profitability Challenges as the fed has brought its targeted fed funds rate down between 0.00% and 0.25%. (Fitch) Source: Danareksa Securities Debt Research Photo by Alex Vasey On Unssplash