Exports slumped in January as the Coronavirus Began Spreading

18 February 2020


The Chinese Yuan Climbed After China Cut Rates and Added Medium-Term Funding to Banks to Cushion the Impact of a Outbreak virus. The People`s Bank of China Offered 200 Billion Yuan ($ 29 billion) of one-year medium-term loans on Monday. The rate was lower reduced by 10 basis points to 3.15%. China Said the number of Coronavirus Cases Climbed Above 70,000. The head of a wuhan Hospital said a turn point has been reached in the epicenter of the outbreak as new cases fell over the weekend, but the outlook was more cautionary outside of China. (Bloomberg) Indonesia`s exports slumped in January just as the Coronavirus Began Spreading, with Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati Warning of a Hit to Global Trade. Exports Fell 3.7% from a year ago versus a median estimate for a surplus of 1.2% in a Bloomberg Survey of Economists, the Statistics Office Said Monday. Imports declined 4.8%, resulating in a trade deficit of $ 864 million, more than twice the $ 375 million shortfall forecast in the survey. While Indonesia is now to record a single case of the deadly virus, the government is sounding alarms bells over a potential hit to southeast asia`s biggest economy. (Bloomberg) Source: Danareksa Securities Debt Research Photo by Chuttersnap on Unssplash