The fed would buy securities at a pace of about $ 15 billion a day between April 20- 24

20 April 2020


The Federal Reserve Further Dialed Back The Pace On which it plans to buy Treasuries under its unlimited quantitative easing program. The U.S. Central Bank, which has been aggressively purchasing treasuries in a bid to offset the economic and market fallout from the coronavirus pandemic, on Friday Said that it would buy buy security at a pace of about about $ 15 billion a day April 20- 24. It bought around $ 30. Billion a day this week follows a several earlier reduction. (Bloomberg) the yield on the benchmark 10-year treasury note, which moves inversely to price, rose 4 base points to 0.64%, while the yield on the 30-year treasury bond was also higher at 1.24%. The Central Bank Said Friday that it would buy securities at a pace of about $ 15 billion a day, SLOWER TANAN around $ 30 billion a day this week. The Fed Launched An Unlimited Quantitative Easing Program, Aggresvely Purchasing Treasuries to Cushion The Economic Blow from the Coronavirus Pandemic. (CNBC) Source: Danareksa Securities Debt Research Photo by Harley-Davidson On Unsplash