The Fed Slaced Interest Rates by Half a Percentage Point in the First Such Emergency Move since the 2008 Financial Crisis

04 March 2020


The Federal Reserve Slaced Interest Rates by Half a Percentage Point in the First Such Emergency Move Since the 2008 Financial Crisis, Amid Mounting Concern that the Coronavirus Outbreak Threatentins to Stall the Record U.S. Economic Expansion. The Rate Cut, which came between the central bank regularly scheduled meetings, was announced hours after group of finance chiefs hed a rare teleconference to pledge they`d do all they can to combat the fast-moving health crisis. (Bloomberg) Indonesia`s central bank has vowed to strengthen its policy mix to head off the risk of further fallout from the impact of the coronavirus crisis. Bank Indonesia welcome the move by the federal reserve to deliver an emergency rate cut of 50 basis points as the virus epidemic continuates to roil markets and rattle investor confidence around the globe. Indonesian Policymakers do not have a plan to hold an emergency meeting of their own at this stage, official Said. "We see fed`s rate cut as a pre-emptive move and the right one at a time like now," Bank Indonesia Senior Deputy Governor Destry Damayanti Said on Wednesday, "We don`t want to see see huge swings, we want to smooth the Movement, "She Said. (Bloomberg) Source: Danareksa Securities Debt Research Photo by Alex Shutin On Unssplash