Hacking distance, knitting hope

30 August 2019


On August 30, 2019 ago, a friend meeting was held: hacking the distance, knitting hope in the Danareksa Building. The event was enlivened by Vina Panduwinata and was attended by more than 300 people, fathers who had worked at Danareksa. (edited). - Greetings! Are you Danareksa alumni? In the near future, precisely on Friday, August 30, 2019 starting at 1700 WIB will be held at the night of a friend meeting, "Hacking the distance of knitting hope". Please complete your data at the link (link) at the end of this message, as well as confirm your presence. Remembering a place in the Danareksa building is limited, requested for its willingness to park vehicles in the Monas IRTI area. We provide a shuttle from IRTI parking to the Danareksa Building. Let`s enliven our event. We will be very grateful if you can continue this message to a private WA or group, if there are members who have worked Danareksa. Thank you and see you! Register here: https://danareksa.rsvpify.com/