How to invest in mutual mutual and profit and risk risk of reduced value of the participation of liquidity Risk of default

12 May 2019


Mutual Dana is one alternative investment for investors, especially small investors and investors who do not have much time and expertise to calculate risks for their investment. Mutual funds are designed as a means to raise funds from people who have capital, have the desire to invest, but only have limited time and knowledge. In addition, mutual funds are also expected to increase the role of local investors to invest in the Indonesian capital market. Generally, mutual funds are interpreted as a forum used to raise funds from the community investors to further invest in the securities portfolio by the investment manager. Referring to the Capital Market Law No. 8 of 1995, Article 1 paragraph (27) is defined that mutual funds are a forum used to raise funds from the investor community for further investment in the securities portfolio by the Investment Manager. 8 of 1995, Article 1 paragraph (27) is defined that mutual funds are a forum used to collect funds from the investor community to be further invested in the securities portfolio by the Investment Manager. Thus, the funds in mutual funds are funds with investors, whereas Investment manager is a trusted party to manage these funds. Benefits obtained by investors if investing in mutual funds, among others: as well as other investment vehicles, besides bringing various profit opportunities, mutual funds also contain various risk opportunities, including: this risk influenced by the decline . Investment Manager Difficulty in providing cash on the redemption. This risk is the worst risk, where this risk can arise when an insurance company that insured the wealth of mutual funds does not immediately pay compensation or pay lower than the value of coverage when things happen that are not desirable , such as default from parties related to mutual funds, brokers, custodian banks, payment agents, or natural disasters, which can cause a decrease in NAB (Net Asset Value) Mutual Funds.