Increase the participation of millenials, Danareksa held a millenials gathering

20 April 2022


Holding Danareksa is optimistic that millennial generation employees have great potential to actively contribute to improving company performance. Danareksa millennial holding employees who now reach 2,415 employees have the potential to create added value thanks to agility at work, intelligence in thinking, and speed adaptation according to company principles. This is the background of the "Millenial Gathering Holding Danareksa" activity, present at this activity Special Staff III Ministry of BUMN Arya Sinulingga, Director of HR & Law of PT Danareksa (Persero) R. Muhammad Irwan, and 150 millennial representatives from members of Holding Danareksa. The activity took place by applying a strict health protocol. Not only for the company`s performance, Danareksa`s millennial holding also actively enhancing the welfare of the community through the Millennial BUMN sharing activities, namely the distribution of food packages for residents of Mampang District, South Jakarta as one of a series of activities. Special Staff III Minister of BUMN Arya Sinulingga said, "A pride for the Ministry of SOEs has millennial employees who are not only superior in their fields, but also have a high social life. 19% of the total Holding Danareksa employees are millennial generation and the hope that the number will continue to increase. The spirit of the social action of these millennials will be the beginning of Indonesia`s brighter future. In addition, we also hope that all the assistance of food packages provided can be useful for local residents. " Director of Human Resources & Law Danareksa R. Muhammad Irwan added, "The millennial generation is expected to be an agent of change to provide benefits for companies, stakeholders, the community, and of course for Indonesia. One of them is through the Millennial BUMN sharing activities, namely the distribution of food assistance handed over directly by our millennial employees who are full of energy and enthusiasm. We hope this can lighten the burden on the community a little. We also hope that the positive energy of millennials can have a positive influence on all parties. " At present, of the total estimated 12,791 Holding Danareksa employees, 19% of them or 2,415 employees are millennials. As many as 686 of them are female employees. Various positions at PT Danareksa (Persero) as the Danareksa holding holding company are also filled by millennial generations who are skilled in their fields, such as the Head of the Corporate Secretary Division, Head of Legal & Compliance Division, Head of Portfolio Management Division, and Head of Management Risk Division. In fact, there are millennial generations who occupy the level of the Board of Directors at the Danareksa Holding member of PT Surabaya Industrial Estate Rangkuti (SIER). "With this amount, of course, is a big advantage for Holding Danareksa to continue to move dynamically, innovatively, and adaptively to answer global challenges in the current era of digitalization. In addition, it is hoped that with the many Millennial friends at Danareksa Holding can participate actively to improve business scale by creating value creation with business transformation efforts, so as to provide real work for Indonesia. " Close Irwan.