Indonesian economic reflection and economic recovery challenges in 2022

13 January 2022


Danareksa Research Institute (DRI) re -released the latest research entitled "Indonesian Economic Reflection and Challenges of Economic Recovery in 2022". Year 2021 is a year of recovery after economic contraction due to Pandemi Covid 19 which began in 2020. Recovery efforts were carried out by increasing mobility and activities the economy of the community through the vaccination program, controlling the spread of COVID-19 (PPKM), as well as other stimuli since the second quarter of 2020. However, these efforts have not been able to restore economic activity to the position before Pandemi due to the various challenges faced by the economy in 2021. In the future improvement The Indonesian economy is also inseparable from the opportunities and challenges both in terms of domestic and global. Download the release of "Indonesian Economic Reflections and the Challenges of Economic Recovery in 2022" here

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