Indonesian Government Plan on SBSN Series and the Positive Improvement of Us Economy

09 June 2020


Today (9 June 2020), The Government of Indonesia Plans to Auction the SBSN Series. The indicative amount tendering is IDR7 trillion to help Fulfil the financing targets for the 2020 state budget.meanwhile in the us, after a surprising growth in may’s employee data, investors view towards the us economy began to show positive improvement. They also look forward to the Federal Open Market Committee Meeting on Tuesday, 9 June 2020. In the meeting, the fed will likey discusses the possible implement Yield Curve Control, While the Fed`s Chairman, Jerome Powell, WILL BE EXPECTED TO REASTEN MARKET MARKETS WITH HIS WITH upcoming policy in order to drive us economy in the midst of rechesion.The optimistic view is indicated by the yield of 10 YR US Treasury Yield, which reached 0.88% on 8 June 2020 Compared to its position at the end of May at 0.65 %. Indicating Less Demand for Safe Haven. Since March 2020, The Spread between 2 YR10 YR Us Treasury Started to Widen, Closing at 66 bps on 8 June 2020. Howver, The 2 YR Us Treasury Yield Stood at 0.22%, Showing a Stable Trend Since March 2020. The US Stocks also reflect the growing optimism, as the s & p 500 rose by 1.2% during Monday session on 8 June 2020, Erasing All of this year`s losses.