Money Market Mutual Funds are considered the most appropriate investment at this time

27 March 2019


The tension of the tariff war between America and China, has an impact on the behavior of current global investors. Investors tend to take a safe position by selling financial assets in developing countries, including Indonesia. Investors also carried out a rebalancing action to the Safe Haven country. This is indicated by the outflow of foreign investment funds from the Indonesian capital market. PT Danareksa Investment Management Chief Investment Officer, Edwin Ridwan, rate, in addressing the negative sentiments that are happening in the current global market, investors do not need to panic. Because this condition is only temporary. This is based on Indonesia`s domestic economic fundamentals which are still very good, where the GDP number still grows 5.20-5.30 percent and inflation is maintained at the level of 3.5+1 percent. Therefore, in that period according to him, it is very appropriate to re -enter the stock market and bonds. Because investors can still optimize the yield of investment funds. One of the DIM Money Market Mutual Fund products that can be chosen, namely Danareksa Seruni Money Market II. This mutual fund is actively managed in order to obtain optimal income and controlled risks through 100 percent investment in domestic money market instruments. At present, the Money Market II strategy focuses on investing in corporate bonds less than one year which provides high returns. Launched on February 6, 2008, as of August 31, 2018, Danareksa Seruni Market II managed funds reached Rp1.83 trillion. In the past one year, this product scored a performance of 4.8 percent above the average performance of the ATD 3 Month BUMN benchmark that provides a yield of 3.06 percent in the same period