Why need financial planning

11 October 2019


Basically financial planning is needed to determine the clear direction for financial management and the development of personal and family wealth. Without planning, we tend to spend the money we have today for today`s needs. Achieve the goals and lifestyles of dreams can be achieved by proper financial planning. One of them is through an investment strategy. Various objectives in our lives, both to buy property, finance children`s education, and prepare pension funds, require strong financial conditions for financial planning: * Provide optimism about your future, especially when retirement. * Encourages you to save and invest for something important in the future. * Provides security to your family`s finances if you fall ill or not work anymore. Financial planning carried out early on allows you to have regular financial conditions and a better future. With a long period of time, you will freely optimize all financial plans in order to achieve goals, while accumulating wealth. Source: PT Danareksa Investment Management http://reksadana.danareksaonline.com