Pandemi did not surround Danareksa`s steps to strengthen HR empowerment through the Danareksa Learning Institute

09 August 2021


Jakarta, July 28, 2021 - Pandemi which still hit Indonesia until now does not dampen the steps of one of the state -owned business entities namely PT Danareksa (Persero) to keep the spirit of strengthening the development of its human resource talents through the launch of the Danareksa Learning Institute called the Danareksa Learning Institute (DLI ) On July 28, 2021. The presence of DLI will compensate for the Danareksa Research Institute which has been a famous Danareksa research institute since 1997, both of them will be the leading educational platform of Danareksa which complements one another and is ready to contribute to the development of research and superior talents in the SOE environment . Even though it is a newly launched Learning Institute, but on its launch day DLI emphasized its commitment to be the foremost in the development of the best talents in BUMN by cooperating with the New York University Stern School of Business Executive Education (NYU Stern) and specifically presents Prof. Robert Salomon as Deputy Dean of the Nyu Stern Executive Program. DLI also cooperates with PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk as a digital partner from DLI for each program that will be initiated. Collaboration between Danareksa and Telkom through DLI is certainly in line with the application of the core value of the morals initiated by the Ministry of SOEs, where one of the principles puts forward the value of collaboration between each BUMN person. In addition to Telkom, collaboration will certainly be carried out between all BUMN in the Danareksa-PPA cluster where Danareksa hopes Cross Learning in DLI as a form of collaboration between SOEs will form superior talents with a variety of expertise in accordance with needs. Deputy Minister of BUMN II, Kartika Wirjoatmodjo said "Danareksa cluster as the most diverse cluster with business sectors such as financial services, manufacturing, industrial areas, Construction, media, and other sectors have great challenges to be able to improve the scale of business in each BUMN. But through synergy and collaboration between all SOEs in the Danareksa-PPA cluster, these challenges are not impossible to realize. One form of synergy that has been realized is the formation of the Danareksa Learning Institute. I hope that the formation of the Danareksa Learning Institute can be a momentum for BUMN to carry out objectives in terms of HR, namely: Creating World Class Leaders & Talent, Management Practices, and Digital - Technology and Innovation Capabilities. " On the sidelines of the launch of DLI. Not only in collaboration with Nyu Stern, DLI is currently planning to establish cooperation with other world-famous educational institutions in programs that will be carried. Focusing on the development of superior talents, DLI has been determined to prioritize 3 learning concepts that will be carried, namely Decision Making & Problem Solving, Critical Thinking, and Creative Thinking. Value morals to SOEs and of course full of enthusiasm contribute to Indonesia, "said Ari Soerono as Director