Preparing to face the Post-Covid 19 era, Danareksa Mobile Give Financial Education to Millennials

09 January 2022


Jakarta, January 9, 2022 - The number of retail investors from millennials experienced a significant increase throughout 2021. The number of capital market investors in 2021 which reached 7.4 million investors was dominated by millennials. Responding to this phenomenon, PT Danareksa (Persero) held a Danareksa Talkshow (Darling) activity entitled Fundtastic: Talking of Business and Investment Opportunities in 2022. This activity aims to provide financial literacy education to millennials and micro and small businesses (UMK) for Facing the Post-Covid 19 era. Presenting speakers from the Danareksa Research Institute (DRI) and Danareksa Investment Management (DIM), this activity was held today at Nuart Sculpture Park, Bandung and will be back at Gandaria City Mall, Jakarta, on January 1522 Corporate Secretary of PT Danareksa (Persero), Putu Dewika Angganingrum said, "This activity is a CSV (Creating Share Value) activity which is part of the Danareksa Social and Environmental Responsibility Program (TJSL). As a company engaged in finance and investment, Danareksa is very concerned about the current financial literacy of millennial generation. This activity is a form of Danareksa`s active commitment in supporting the government to improve millennial financial literacy and UMK actors according to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi`s) instructions. We hope that this activity can open millennial insights and UMK actors on how to manage private and business finances in the 19th post-covid era. "In addition to providing financial literacy education, the latest research results are also explained related to business and investment trends in 2022. Dri suggests that there are some business potential going forward, including the sale of staples/groceries, hobbies (plants, books, games, etc.), self-care products, health equipment, supporting equipment work/school , Creative Industry, Digital Marketing Services, Social Media Portfolio Design Services, Tutorial Tutorial Services, Content Creators, and Retail Intermediaries. The participants who attended the Darling event today were SMEs from various fields, such as food and drinks and fashion. With the information shared, the hope is that the participants will be better able to see business opportunities, right in choosing investment instruments, and can print profits in the midst of economic conditions that are still in the recovery stage in 2022. Interestingly, this activity carries the concept of "Roadshow Truck" To present a relaxed atmosphere for young people present. To add to the excitement of the Darling event, Danareksa also prepared the appearance of the acoustic band and various interesting door prizes for the participants present. "The concept of‘ roadshow truck "is our effort to make financial literacy material more enjoyable and friendly to young people. Presented in a contemporary style, it is hoped that participants can more easily receive information and activities can inspire millennials, "added Dewika. The talkshow was filled by speakers who were experienced in the field of financial and investment research, including Muhammad Ikbal Iskandar as Senior Analyst Danareksa Dri, Mohammad Faishal as the Retail and Digital Distribution Manager of PT Danareksa Investment Management, Rima Prima Artha as Head of DIRI Division, and Bagus Setyawan as Head of Retail and Digital Distribution of PT Danareksa Investment Management. The Danareksa Talkshow is open to the public and is limited to 25 people at no charge. Registration can be done by accessing the page and for more information, contact or Instagram danareksa