President to add an additional expenditure and financing of Rp. 405.1 Trillion for Covid-19 Management

01 April 2020


President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) Announced to add an additional expenditure and financing in the 2020 State Budget with the amount of Rp 405.1 Trillion for Covid-19 Management. The funds will be used for Rp. 75 trillion in health funds, Rp101 trillion for social safety nets (SSN), Rp. 70.1 trillion for tax incenivers and stimulus for micro-business, and Rp. 150 trillion for national economics recovery. (CNBC) President Donald Trump has been signed off on a plan to defer U.S. tariffs for most favored nations for three months, according to a source familiar with the decision. The plan is not applied to tariffs on chinese and european goods subject to section 301 tariffs or to steel and aluminum subject to section 232 tariffs. (Reuters) Source: Danareksa Securities Debt Research Photo by Aditya Indrajaya