The realization of the stimulus for health treatment rises to 4.68%

30 June 2020


The minister of finance stated that the realization of the stimulus for health treatment which on June 16 was only 1.54% of Rp 87.55 trillion, had risen to 4.68% on 29 June. While the social protection stimulus has been realized 34.06% or equivalent to Rp 69.44 trillion from Rp 203.90 trillion. For the realization of MSME Incentives, it has reached 22.74% or Rp. 34.24 trillion, from a total of Rp 123.46 trillion. While the absorption of sectoral and regional government funds was realized 4.01% (equivalent to Rp. 4.25 trillion) from the total of Rp 106.11 trillion. Then, business incentives in the form of taxation has been disbursed 10.14% or Rp 12.3 trillion from a total of Rp 120.61 trillion. Lastly, corporate financing incentives have not been already implemented. (Investor Daily) The Federal Reserve Announced That The Primary Market Corporate Credit Facility Opened for Business Monday, The Last of Its Nine Pandemic Emergency Lending Programs to Become Operational. The program to support up to $ 500 billion in direct credit to corporate borrowers was announced in march as a flight from risk as the coronavirus spread began raising borrowing costs for corporations of all kinds. (Bloomberg) Source: Danareksa Sekuritas Debt Researchphoto by Ecoherwantoro On Unssplash