A Record of US $ 2 Trillion Surges in Cash Hit the Deposit Accounts of U.S. Banks

22 June 2020


A Record of $ 2 Trillion Surges in Cash Hit the Deposit Accounts of U.S. Banks since the coronavirus first struck the u.s. In January, according to fdic data. In April Alone, Deposits are Grew by $ 865 billion, more than the previous record for an entire year. The gains were all driven by the response to the pandemic: The Govt Unleashed Hundreds of Bills of Dollars to Bolster Small Businesses and Individuals via stimulus checks and unemployment benefits. The fed is a barrage of efforts to support financial markets, including unlimited bond-buying program. (CNBC) as Central Banks Pump Trillions into the world economy, investors are setting their sights on what could be the next big thing in global monetary policy: yield curve control. The strategy, which involves using bond purchases to pin down yields on certificates of maturities to a specific target, was once deemed an extreme and unusual measure, only deployed by the bank of Japan Years Ago after it became clear that a two-decade deflationary spial wasn`t going away. No Longer. This year, the Reserve Bank of Australia is adopted its own version. And Despite Officials Attempts to Cool it, Speculation is rife that the U.S. Federal Reserve and Bank of England will follow later this year. (Bloomberg) Source: Danareksa Sekuritas Debt Researchphoto by Antonio Gabola on Unssplash