Tough synergy in the Danareksa-PPA cluster through the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding KIM Expo 2021 between PT KIM (Persero) and PT Balai Pustaka (Persero)

11 May 2021


Jakarta, May 11, 2021-Two members of the Danareksa-PPA cluster, PT Kawasan Industri Medan (Persero) ("KIM") and PT Balai Pustaka (Persero) ("Balai Pustaka) today emphasized the synergy between the Danareksa-PPA cluster through the signing of a memorandum of understanding In the framework of cooperation with the implementation of the KIM Expo 2021 event which will be held in October 2021 in Medan and Deli Serdang. The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between KIM and Balai Library for the Implementation of KIM Expo 2021 is a tangible manifestation of BUMN-BUMN commitments in the Danareksa-PPA cluster in strengthening added value through a strong synergy between members in the Danareksa-PPA cluster in the future. The signing of this memorandum of understanding was held at the Danareksa office and carried out by the President Director of PT Kawasan Industri Medan (Persero), Ngurah Wirawan with the President Director of PT Balai Pustaka (Persero), Achmad Fachrodji, and witnessed directly by the President Director of PT Danareksa (Persero), Arisudono and the Investment Director of PT Danareksa (Persero) representing Danareksa as a candidate for holding from the Danareksa-PPA cluster. As a candidate for holding from the Danareksa-PPA cluster, President Director of PT Danareksa (Persero), Arisudono said, "The cooperation that was formed between KIM and Balai Library is in line with the vision of the cluster and Sareksa-PPA for Optimizing the potential for synergy between SOEs of cluster members, this is the initial stage of other synergy that we believe will continue to be established in the future between other SOEs who are members of the Danareksa-PPA cluster. "In collaboration with Balai Pustaka in its implementation, this year is the first time Kim held KIM Expo 2021 with the aim of becoming a meeting for the meeting of investors from various countries who want to invest in the Medan Industrial Estate. In addition, investors who want to cooperate with national and international companies in the Medan industrial area can also meet and explore the potential of cooperation which will certainly be beneficial for the parties. Covid-19 Pandemi has suppressed the economic growth of North Sumatra in throughout 2020 amounted to -2.94% and the first quarter of 2021 was -1.85%, but the North Sumatra commodity processing and export industry remained positive at 5.52% in 2020 and even rose sharply to 40.86% in the first quarter of the year 2021. This condition adds to Kim`s confidence that the growing space for the manufacturing industry in North Sumatra is still wide open so that the investment promotion program in North Sumatra needs to be carried out. In the sidelines of the signing ceremony, the President Director of PT Kawasan Industri Medan (Persero), Ngurah Wirawan revealed " KIM Expo 2021 which is planned on 7 to 10 October 2021 in the form of an exhibition is a vehicle for the potential expression of the KIM tenants who are s More than 30 years has worked hard to produce goods and services from North Sumatra. For the first time business actors from home and abroad can see the products, processes and work systems in KIM as a unit of region. Including peeking at the production process of several industries in the Factory Visit program as part of business expansion, collaboration, innovation and efficiency options. "In line with the North Sumatra Regional Government program, Bank Indonesia and the North Sumatra Financial Services Authority and the Ministry of Investment/BKPM, then KIM Expo 2021 will also be harmonized with the North Sumatra Investment & Business Forum (NSIBF) which also invites dozens of foreign investors and takes place at the same time to increase investment realization through promotional activities in order to improve the economy of North Sumatra. colored with seminars and business matching, business owners, executives, large and small businesses can reap the best information, real physical conditions and intense discussions with each other, so that they can lead to new business agreements in terms of investment in KIM in particular and Sumatra UT Ara in general. "In line with Ngurah, President Director of PT Balai Pustaka, Achmad Fachrodji stated" Balai Pustaka believes that cooperation with KIM is the right step in developing the potential of each company. KIM Expo itself is present as the right means to invest and develop industry. We hope that business people can optimally take advantage of the opportunities and opportunities that exist at this event later. "Investment Director of PT Danareksa (Persero), Andry Setiawan also expressed his support for the synergy that exists," We in Danareksa greatly appreciate the signing of a memorandum of understanding KIM Expo 2021 Kim and Balai Pustaka. We fully support and hope that the KIM Expo 2021 event can be carried out smoothly, successfully, and has a significant impact on PT Kawasan Industri Medan (Persero) in particular, and generally for Indonesia. " -DONE-