U.S. Oil Price Tumbled to Their lowest level in history on Monday

21 April 2020


US Senate Democrats and Republicans are Nearing a Deal Sunday that Could Roughly $ 370 Billion into Loan Programs for Small Businesses, a Familiar Person with the Negotiations Toll CNBC. The Talks Come After The $ 349 Billion Paycheck Protection Program, which offers forgivable loans to small businesses, ran out of money on thursday. (CNBC) the yield on the benchmark 10-year treasury note dipped about 3 bases points to 0.63%, while the yield on the 30-year treasury bond was also lower at 1.24%. U.S. Oil Price Tumbled to Their lowest level in history on Monday, with crude storage facilities filling rapidly as the Coronavirus Pandemic Continues to Crush Demand. The May Contract for West Texas Intermediate, which expires on Tuesday, plunged more than 100% to negative $ 37.63 per barrel on Weak Demand Outlook and Storage Capacity Issues. (CNBC) Source: Danareksa Securities Debt Research Image: Washington, DC., United States Photo by Joshua Earle On Unssplash