Us: Americans filed more than 6.6 million new unemployment insurance

03 April 2020


The Torrent of Americans Filing for Unemployment Insurance Skyrcoketed last week as more than 6.6 million new claims were filed, the Labor Department Reported Thursday. That brings to 10 million the total Americans who filed over the past two weeks. Economists Surveyed by Dow Jones Had Expected 3.1 Million for Last Week, One Week After 3.3 Million Filings in the First Wave of What Has Been a Record-Shattering Swelling of the Jobless Ranks. The Previous Week’s Total Was Revised Higher By 24,000. (CNBC) Bank Indonesia (BI) States that does not neck Necessarily Provide Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance (BLBI) or bailout funds to systemic banks as happen in the 1998 crisis. Even though, the government allows the central bank to buy debt securities on the primary market. Bi Governor Perry Warjiyo ensures that the purchase of SBN and SBSN by the Central Bank will Occur as the last step if the market was unable to absorb, or when bond yields went too high that it burdens the state financial. (CNN Indonesia) Source: Danareksa Securities Debt Research Photo by Mostafa Meraji On Unssplash