US Treasury 30-Year Yield Dropped to a New Record Low

06 March 2020


Treasury 30-Year Yield Dropped to a New Record Low, Leading Another Rally in Bonds as Traders Hedge Against the spread of the Coronavirus in the U.S. Yields on the 30-year Debt Fell as much as Five Base Points to 1.49%, While the Benchmark 10-Year Dropped Three Base Points. The U.S. is reporting more cases throughout its states on a daily basis, with investors increased about the impact of the virus on the world’s biggest economy. Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas President Robert Kaplan Said the Virus Spread would be weekered by Policymakers when they meet later this month. (Bloomberg) Indonesian Authorities urged its top banks to lower interest rates and boost lending to sectors hit by the coronavirus as southeast asia`s largest economy steps up efforts to mitigate the economic fallout from the epidemic. Banks have been asked to pass on the benefits of recent cuts in benchmark interest rates and reserve requirements to borrowers, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, coordinating minister for economic affairs Airlangga Hartarto Said After a meeting with Chief Executives of Lenders Including and PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia. (Bloomberg) Source: Danareksa Securities Debt Research Photo by Girma Nigusse on Unsplash