PT BRI Manajemen Investasi

PT BRI Manajemen Investasi

BRI Manajemen Investasi (formerly PT Danareksa Investment Management), is a subsidiary of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk & PT Danareksa (Persero), with ownership shares of 65% and 35% respectively. BRI-MI has obtained a business license as an Investment Manager based on the Decree of the Chairman of BAPEPAM number KEP-27 / PM-MI / 1992 dated October 9, 1992.

In managing the investment process for investors assets, BRI-MI upholds professionalism and transparency. BRI-MI also conducts in-depth research to identify numerous investment potentials and opportunities, as well as formulates and conduct various investment strategies to achieve optimal results for investors.

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Portofolio PT BRI Manajemen Investasi

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