Company Code of Conduct

Principles of the Code of Ethics

The Code of Ethics is the Company's internal regulations that contain a value system, business ethics, work ethics, commitment and enforcement of the Company's regulations for the Board of Commissioners, Directors and employees of the Company, subsidiaries and their affiliates in carrying out business and other activities, as well as in interacting with stakeholders.
This regulation was updated by The Decree of the Board of Directors number KD-38 / 027 / DIR dated August 29, 2014, concerning the "Danareksa Code of Ethics". The main contents of Danareksa's code of ethics are:

  • Danareksa Code of Ethics is the Company's internal guidelines that contain values, business ethics, work ethics, commitment and enforcement of company regulations for Danareksa people in carrying out business and other activities, as well as in interacting with stakeholders.
  • The Danareksa Code of Ethics contains general corporate ethics items, while further elaboration of these items more broadly and operationally is in the applicable Danareksa internal regulations.
  • Danareksa's Code of Ethics applies to all individuals acting on behalf of Danareksa, Subsidiaries and Affiliates under supervision, Shareholders and all other stakeholders or partners who conduct business transactions with Danareksa.
  • Danareksa always encourages compliance with the Code of Ethics and is committed to implementing it and requires all leaders from every level in the company to be responsible for ensuring that the Code of Ethics is obeyed and carried out properly in their respective level.


Code of Ethics information is conveyed to all Danareksa personnel through the book "Danareksa Code of Ethics", the Company's website, email distribution and other means of announcement. Every Danareksa person is required to sign this Danareksa Code of Ethics book, comply with and carry out the commitments contained in the Danareksa Code of Ethics book, in an effort to improve and maximize the results of work for the progress of Danareksa.

Code of Conduct Enforcement

All Danareksa personnel are required to uphold the Danareksa Code of Ethics in their duty.
Danareksa personnel at any level, if it is clearly proven that they have violated the Danareksa Code of Ethics, they will be subject to punishment in accordance with the regulations contained in the Danareksa Internal Regulations and applicable laws and regulations.


The leadership of each work unit is obliged to ensure that the Danareksa Code of Ethics has been implemented properly. For this reason, every work unit leader must monitor and review the Danareksa Code of Ethics. In addition, the implementation of the Danareksa Code of Ethics is also periodically checked through GCG Assessment.