Disclosure of Information

Danareksa is always committed to the application of this information disclosure, both for customers, Shareholders, and other stakeholders – as long as it does not conflict with matters concerning customer confidentiality and related laws and regulations in force, as mandated in Law of the Republic of Indonesia no. 14 of 2008. 
In order for stakeholders to make decisions on the risks and benefits of their investments, the Company presents the provision of adequate and accurate information. The information includes operational policies, financial conditions, and business risks. 
Media that can be used to access and disseminate information about Danareksa and its activities are:

Company Website

Through the www.danareksa.co.id page the public can access general information about Danareksa; among them are the products and services available, financial Statements, and service information to customers.

Annual Report

Danareksa disclosed information about the company's condition over the past year, both regarding company performance, business development, management information, social responsibility activities and other important matters in an annual report. This report can be downloaded through the Company's main website.

Print and Electronic Media

In addition to updating in print media, such as newspapers, magazines or through brochures; along with the development of technology, in disseminating information and to serve customers and potential customers and other stakeholders, Danareksa is actively updating through SMS broadcasts and social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.

Call Center

Danareksa is committed to establishing relationships for a long period of time with its clients. Therefore, Danareksa builds a two-way communication relationship in the form of a Call Center so that customers are able to contact Danareksa during working days and hours.


Danareksa also regularly publishes press releases to disseminate information about Danareksa's activities.