Obligation to Submit a Report on The Assets of State Administrators (LHKPN)

Reporter total

- Compliance map:         
Amount mandatory to report: 39         
Already reported: 39 


In accordance with the applicable regulatory regulations, PT Danareksa (Persero) has issued a Decree of the Board of Directors (KD) concerning the Obligation to Submit a Report on the Assets of State Administrators within PT Danareksa (Persero) and its Subsidiaries.    
Article 1 Definitions  
In this decision, what is meant by:

  1. Persero is PT Danareksa (Persero),
  2. Subsidiaries are subsidiaries of Persero whose shares are owned by Persero at least 90% (ninety percent) of the paid-up capital of the Subsidiary. Persero's subsidiaries currently consist of (i) PT Danareksa Sekuritas, (ii) PT Danareksa Investment Management, (iii) PT Danareksa Finance and (iv) PT Danareksa Capital, as well as companies to be established by Persero in the future.
  3. The Corruption Eradication Commission, hereinafter referred to as the "KPK" is a State commission/institution established to carry out its duties and authorities independently, free from the influence of any power, as stipulated in Law Number 30 of 2002 concerning the Corruption Eradication Commission.
  4. State Administrator's Property is property owned by the State Administrator and his wife and children who are still dependents, whether in the form of movable property, immovable property, or other rights that can be assessed with money earned by the State Administrator before, during and after assuming office.
  5. The State Administrator's Wealth Report, hereinafter referred to as the LHKPN, is a list of all State Administrator assets, which is stated in the LHKPN form determined by the KPK.
  6. The LHKPN form as referred to in Paragraph (5) consists of:
    1. The KPK-A Model LHKPN form, filled out by the State Administrators who for the first time reported his wealth;
    2. The KPK-B Model LHKPN form, filled out by State Administrators who have occupied their positions for 2 (two) years, State Administrators who have undergone mutations and/or promotions to positions, State Administrators who end their positions and/or retire, certain State Administrators at the request of the KPK in the context of LHKPN examinations.

Article 2  
Officials Who Are Required to Submit LHKPN  
The Officials of Persero and Subsidiaries who are required to submit LHKPN to the KPK:

  1. Member of the Board of Commissioners of Persero & Subsidiaries.
  2. Directors of Persero & Subsidiaries.
  3. All Heads of Persero Divisions.
  4. Other officers/employees in Persero and/or subsidiaries who occupy strategic functions, which will be determined by the Board of Directors of Persero. 

Article 3  
LHKPN Submission Obligations

  1. The obligation to deliver LHKPN consists of :
    1. Officials of Persero and Subsidiaries are required to submit the LHKPN for the first time using the LHKPN Model KPK-A form no later than 2 (two) months after the Persero and/or Subsidiary Officials occupy positions as referred to in Article 2 Paragraph (1) of this Decision.
    2. The last report using the LHKPN Model KPK-B form must be submitted by the Persero Official and its Subsidiaries if the Persero Officer and/or subsidiary no longer occupies the position as referred to in Article 2 Paragraph (1), including but not limited to the end of the term of office and/or retirement, resignation or transfer of position, and the report must be submitted no later than 2 (two) months after the Persero Officer and/or subsidiary ends his term of office or retirement or resignation or handover of office.
  2. Officials of Persero and its Subsidiaries are required to submit a copy of the receipt for the submission of LHKPN to the Human Capital Division as the Coordinator of LHKPN Management no later than 7 (seven) days from the date of submission of LHKPN.

Article 4  
Officials of Persero and its Subsidiaries are obliged to guarantee the validity of the data in the LHKPN submitted to the KPK.

Article 5  

  1. Members of the Board of Commissioners and Directors of Persero who do not comply with the provisions of Article 3 Paragraph (1) may be subject to administrative sanctions in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations.
  2. Members of the Board of Commissioners and Directors of Subsidiaries who do not comply with the provisions of Article 3 Paragraph (1) may be subject to sanctions of dismissal as members of the Board of Commissioners and/or members of the Board of Directors of Subsidiaries through the General Meeting of Shareholders.
  3. The Head of the Persero Division who does not comply with the provisions of Article 3 Paragraph (1) may be subject to sanctions in the form of:
    1. Postponement of salary increases;
    2. and/or delay in grade increase;
  4. Officials of Persero and its Subsidiaries are declared fail to submit LHKPN as referred to in Article 3 Paragraph (1) if the Officials of Persero and Subsidiaries have not submitted LHKPN after 30 (thirty) days from the deadline for submitting LHKPN.

Article 6  
When this Decision of the Board of Directors applied, the Decree of the Board of Directors of PT Danareksa (Persero) Number KD-34/03/CS-DIR dated March 31, 2010 concerning the Obligation to Submit a Report on the Assets of State Operators within PT Danareksa (Persero), as amended by the Decree of the Board of Directors of PT Danareksa (Persero) Number KD-37/001/DIR dated January 31, 2013 concerning Amendments to the Decision of the Board of Directors of PT Danareksa (Persero) Number KD-34/03/CS-DIR dated March 31, 2010 concerning Submission Obligations The Report on the Assets of State Operators within PT Danareksa (Persero) was revoked and declared invalid, except for the provisions regarding Annex-1 and Appendix-2 as referred to in Article 1 Paragraph (3) of the Decree of the Board of Directors of PT Danareksa (Persero) Number KD-37/001/DIR dated January 31, 2013.

Article 7  
This decision of the Board of Directors shall apply on the date fixed, provided that if in the future there is an error in this Decision, corrections will be held as necessary.

LHKPN Report PT Danareksa (Persero) 2022

  1. Board of Commisioner
  1. Board of Director