Violation Reporting System


Whistleblowing System Reference (WBS), in its implementation refers to a joint decision between the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners number KD-37/039/ DIR and PER-01 / DK-DR / XI / 2013, dated November 29, 2013 About the "Reporting Policy for Alleged Irregularities of PT Danareksa (Persero) and its Subsidiaries.

Submission of Violation Reports

Reporting irregularities can be done using the following media:

Written letter   
A written letter sent to the Ombudsman. This letter can only be opened by the Ombudsman Team   
Electronic mail (e-mail)   
The e-mail used is a specific e-mail ( for the receipt of reports and not personal e-mails with the aim of maintaining the confidentiality of the Whistleblower and preventing the reluctance of employees to report. E-mails can only be opened by the Ombudsman team. Neither the Ombudsman nor the Ombudsman Team is allowed to delete any e-mails that are in this particular e-mail address.


The facilities and protections that can be provided to the Whistleblower are:

  • Reporting media facilities that guarantee the confidentiality of the whistleblower's identity and reported cases.
  • To the Whistleblower who provides a clear identity and information about the reported case, protection can be given to the confidentiality of the whistleblower's identity.
  • Protection from countermeasures by the Reported Party which includes protection from pressure, delayed promotion, dismissal, defense from lawsuits and adverse records in his personal data files.
  • The Company may grant immunity to internal administrative sanctions to whistleblowers in good faith. This immunity is granted to the Complainant who is voluntary or "coerced" in the deviation, but then assumes good faith to report the deviation.
  • Information on the implementation of follow-up, in the form of when and how and to which institutions the follow-up is submitted.

Handling of complaints

The handling of evidence or documents and the maintenance of databases related to the WBS are as follows:

  • All reporting documents, supporting data and evidence found during the investigation process are confidential and must be properly stored and administered for the purposes of further examination by the authorities or for proof in court.
  • Documentation and evidence of cases of Deviation can only be accessed by the competent authorities and placed in a safe location. This is to prevent theft, alteration and abolishment of all related evidence.
  • The storage and maintenance of evidence and documentation related to the reporting of this WBS policy is the responsibility of the ombudsman.

Number of complaints and follow-ups

In 2018 there were no complaints of reporting violations at PT Danareksa (Persero) and its Subsidiaries.


WBS socialization is carried out through:

  • Employee Gathering
  • Helpdesk – informs all e-mail users on the Danareksa network
  • Attention of the Board of Commissioners

If you have any questions/reports about the Whistleblowing System, you can fill out the form below.