Corporate Social Responsibility Towards Occupational Health, Safety and Security (K3)


The policies implemented by the Company in relation to social responsibility towards K3 are The Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 13 of 2003 concerning "Manpower" and the Collective Labor Agreement (PKB) of PT Danareksa (Persero) and Employees.


Ketenagakerjaan, kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja selalu menjadi prioritas. Sebagai bagian dari tanggung jawab. Perseroan harus memastikan bahwa prinsip ketenagakerjaan, kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja yang diterapkan sesuai dengan peraturan Pemerintah dan standar internasional yang ada serta selalu memastikan bahwa kesejahteraan karyawan Perseroan terpenuhi.


Equal Rights of Employees. In accordance with Law Number 13 of 2003, especially Chapter III concerning "Equal Opportunities and Treatment, without discrimination from: Employers", every employee of the Company has the right to association with forming an employee organization or Employee Union within the Company, including being its administrator. The Company's Employees Union is called "Danareksa Club", which is supported by management and regulated and guaranteed in the PKB signed by representatives of the Employees' Union and representatives of the Company.
Career Training and Development. The Company organizes training and development for its employees based on the interests, talents of each employee and tailored to the needs of the Company's organization. Danareksa provides equal opportunities for male and female employees and creates a career path system that bases on position qualifications and employee competencies that are integrated with the performance appraisal system.