Danareksa Dri’s Pulse Check - Recovery of the Tourism Sector

12 November 2021


Danareksa Research Institute (DRI) again released a monthly research from Dri’s Pulse Check with the title "Recovery of the Tourism Sector". The tourism sector is the affected sector that is the deepest because the Covid-19 pandemic with a slow recovery. Based on a survey conducted by DRI in the Oct-21-21 month it shows that most people still hold their plans to travel in the near future. This is caused by people who wait and see related to controlling new COVID-19 cases, decreased income that causes people to relocate revenue for basic needs, as well as constraints of administrative rules for travel 3-21 slowed down due to weak public consumption in line with the tightening of PPKM in various regions at the beginning of the 3-21 quarter. Economic growth is supported by exports, government spending, and investment. At present, commodity prices are in an increase in trends driven by low supply and increase in demand. The increase in IKK was driven by national economy recovery and increased availability of jobs. For more details, please download the following documents: Dris Pulse Check - Recovery of the Tourism Sector

DRIs Pulse Check – Pemulihan Sektor Pariwisata