Danareksa Government Bonds Yield Index dropped 3.10bps from 6,987% to 6,956%

29 October 2019


Danareksa Government Bonds Yield Index fell 3.10bps from 6,987% to 6,956% US will consider extending certain tariff exemptions at $ 34 billion imported goods from China because the two countries try to go to trade agreements, US trade representative offices said on Monday. Nearly 1,000 products are released from the tariff of July 2018, and the exception will end on December 28. The government bond transaction is recorded at Rp17.19 trillion, and is dominated by a short tenor (<5 years). This figure is down compared to the previous transaction volume of Rp20.62 trillion, but the figure is lower than the average YTD this year of Rp18.16 trillion. 5-15 years). The volume of the transaction increased compared to the previous day volume of Rp1012.95 billion but was higher than this year`s average of Rp1044.25 billion. The rupiah exchange rate strengthened 0.07% against US Dollars, from 14.038 to 14.028 while the JCI increased 0.21% from 6,252 to 6,265.FR0078 Yield experienced a decrease by 5.00bps from 7,062% to 7,012% while the RI28 Yield increased by 2.0bps from 2,937% to 2,957%. The price of Brent has decreased from 61.48 to 60.99 USD per barrel while the price of WTI Cushing Cushing Crude Oil Spot down from 56.46 to 55.81 USD per barrel. Source: Danareksa Securities Debt Research Photo by Ifan Bima On Unssplash