Dri’s Pulse Check - Efforts to encourage Indonesian investment

11 January 2021


Danareksa Research Institute (DRI) has released the latest Dri`s Pulse Check research on the Indonesian economy, especially investment funding with the title "Efforts to Effort Indonesian Investment". In this research, Dri also put forward the macroeconomic conditions of Indonesia which show signs of improvement since July despite limited . In the last 3 months, social assistance distributed by the government has become a driving factor in the improvement of the regional economy. One of the efforts made by the government to encourage investment is to establish a Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF) in early 2021 which will manage investment funds including infrastructure. In the financial sector, credit growth continues contraction. Meanwhile, the Indonesian stock market strengthened 6.5% in December due to the positive sentiment of the global market. According to PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas analyst, Maria Renata, in 2021 the construction sector is expected to overweight due to several factors such as government budget for infrastructure, economic recovery , and Indonesia Investment Authority (INA). DRI also reconciled consumer sentiment which began to increase again at the end of the 4-2020 quarter, which indicated a positive signal of the Indonesian economy and the community which was increasingly optimistic. Wirjoatmodjo related to the formation of SWF Indonesia. To see the full research, please download the following documents: Dri`s Pulse Check - Efforts to encourage investment in Indonesia - Jan 2021

DRI’s Pulse Check – Upaya Mendorong Investasi di Indonesia – Jan 2021